Sunday, November 21, 2010

Correct Water Removal Hastens Flooded House Recovery

When water pours into a residential living space from a washing machine overflow trained water removal is needed. Humidity levels must be lowered quickly to eliminate secondary water damage destroying furniture, fabrics, and artwork. Standing water is attacked with water extraction equipment such as the Ninja which uses a three phase motor and pump unit. The Ninja is able to remove water quickly and easily maneuverable around home furnishings. A trained professional will work within the confines available to prevent water migration into additional rooms not yet affected.

Proper water removal is the key for a flooded homes recovery. Once water is extracted equipment such as dehumidifiers and high velocity fans are put in place to finish the process. By eliminating moisture in air and building materials the threat of mold and mildew is eliminated. Homeowners can rest at ease knowing their families are safe and possessions are restored as if the water damage never took place.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Complete Water Damage Repair Provides Peace of Mind

 There's never a right time to be completely prepared when water damage strikes. Bathroom plumbing that has worked for years all of the sudden erupts with a sudden burst of water. In minutes rooms begin to fill up while unsuspecting household members away from home carry on their day at school and work. Only to return and find a residential disaster that can dishearten even the bravest of souls. While unpleasant to think about this scenario happens every day to thousands of American households.

Here are a few ideas to keep in mind. Water damage from a broken pipe is considered Category 1 clean water. This particular flooding is the least severe in terms of bacteria and pathogens and requires the safest methods for water removal. Clean up should include first locating the source of water and turning off all valves if possible. At this point it's well to note that homeowner’s insurance covers this type of water damage and having a copy of the policy with contact numbers and deductible amounts are needful.

Next locating a local water damage restoration company certified and insured who will have the equipment, manpower and experience to remove all water through extraction. Determine the extent of damage by testing walls, floors and ceilings for moisture. And setting up the proper equipment in place to completely dry out all home furnishings and contents. These actions insure proper restoration to a pre-flood condition and peace to the home once again.